GEODI Unites

GEODI Unites


How can multiple applications and databases come together?

Thanks to its ability to work on many different data sources, GEODI creates a sustainable solution to this problem. Take the following basic problem: For instance, a person’s e-mail is in one database, their ID number is in another, and their personal information is in yet another. But we need both the e-mail and the ID number at the same time. The information is dispersed among different databases and structures, but we want to make the search from a single point.

Different software products and databases create extra learning need require extra maintenance and add to hardware needs. Searching for data from a single point is a well-established GEODI feature which you have already experienced. GEODI offers a very convenient solution in cases where data are scattered among different databases. It does not matter that different types of information for a person are in different sources. GEODI will bring all the data together based on the person’s name and on their ID number.

There are several advantages of being able to use existing data without altering it. Continuity of existing processes is an important gain.

The fact that you do not need to change your existing software is even more important in terms of ongoing work and costs.

The next step

With closer colligative integration, this feature is carried a step further by different software products. The connection with MOBIDI, our on-site data collection application, is a good example.

MOBIDI is a self-standing application, with selfsufficient inquiry, reporting, mapping and other functions. But its functionality increases when it is used in conjunction with GEODI.

GEODI can see MOBIDI layers as data sources. Accordingly, the scope of searches will include notes and other information appearing in MOBIDI records. GEODI will also recognise people’s names appearing in MOBIDI records, registered persons and subjects, as well as expressions such as “tomorrow”, “next week” and “in three months”. When the user clicks on the map, they see the MOBIDI Info Card. If there is a PDF document about the same spot, it can also be opened separately.

Working with MIS, Electronic Document Management, Personnel, CRM and many other kinds of application is made much easier by the integration model used in MOBIDI.

And one step further

People use different software products for various reasons, ranging from user habits to the advantages of the product. Through relatively simple improvements, GEODI will increase the efficiency of the software products you use . GEODI has an advanced Rest API. Using this API, software developers can search with GEODI using a single keyword. This makes it very easy to access: 

Documents about a parcel (licenses, distribution schedules, architectural projects, expropriation records, legal documents), A parcel record in GIS, over MIS, Real estate tax records, contained in other software. GEODI provides much needed coordination.

GEODI saves time!


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